Wednesday, August 1, 2012

BCS Preliminary exam preparation

BCS for you

BCS means Bangladesh Civil Service job is a reputed and respectable job in our country. Now days you can build up your career with a private company, bank, NGO anywhere but BCS job gives you some extra benefits.
So when you will complete your 4 year bachelor or honors level study then you are capable to sit in the BCS exam. I personally know some people who are so much passionate to BCS job and that’s why they prepare themselves before completion of their study. BCS exam is a lengthy and time consuming process. You have to work hard to success in this exam and prepare yourselves to pass a three stages examination.
  • BCS Preliminary Exam
After successes fully completed the 3 stages of exam, you will get your dream job which may settle your life. Now here I am going to discuss about the 1st stages exam. Every year more than two lac students apply for this BCS exam, but only few thousands of students get pass. When you will pass in preliminary exam then you can sit in written exam. So we can say preliminary exam is the key for entrance into cadre selection process.
Let’s discuss about the preliminary exam of BCS. To overcome the preliminary exam you have to prepare your selves in such a way that what information you know that should be correct, because in that exam you have to pay mark for each wrong answer. so be careful when you will answer the question. You can follow some books that will help you.
Materials for BCS exam:
Many publications published many books about preliminary exam such as professors prokashoni, millers prokashoni, oracle publications etc. previous year questions can also help you by providing information which type of question you are going to face in BCS preliminary exam. Obviously you should have followed recent world activity about politics, invention, literature, science etc. Current worlds, Current affairs which are published by professor’s publications, Daily newspapers will help you in this case.
isStyle OF BCS Exam:
In preliminary exam you have to answer five sections named Bangla, English, math, general science, and general knowledge. Each section is 20 marks and important because time is only 1 hour & that one hour can change your whole life. Time is limited so there is no option to recheck your previous answer and be sincere about filling the MCQ answer sheet. Bangle section involves grammars, literature, dates & events etc. . English is comparatively tough so you have to take some extra concentration in English. When you practice math, always try to follow some shortcut method that can extend your exam time. Most of the time General science questions come from school book, so read thoroughly the class six to nine science books.
BCS exam gives you chance for being 1st class citizen in Bangladesh. So, to ride this peak, you have to pay your knowledge, time and hardworking. So prepare yourself to fight against thousands of students & if you have belief on your own power obviously you will be a BCS cadre.

Bangladesh Civil Service commission

Bangladesh Civil Service commission
Bangladesh Civil Service commission

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